
Japanese Mythology- The Creation Myth

Japanese Mythology   Japan Japan is an island country in East Asia. Japanese archipelago consists of many islands but the four largest islands are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku. Shintoism (way of the gods”) is Japan’s oldest religion. Creation Myth This story is described in Kojiki, which is the first book written in Japan. This story describes the birth of heavenly and earthly world, the birth of the first gods and the birth of the Japanese archipelago.   Izanagi and Izanami •        When heaven and earth began, deities came into being, The Spirit Master of the Center of Heaven, The August Wondrously Producing spirit from and the Divine Wondrously Producing Ancestor( invisible) •        From land, reeds sprouted and from these reeds came two more deities. •        From them came six more pairs of deities and the last of them were Izanagi (he who invites) and Izanami(she who invites) •        Standing

The Creation Story from Native American Legends

  Native American Legends The Creation Story CHARACTERS: }   SKY MOTHER }   RIGHT HANDED TWINS }   LEFT HANDED TWINS   }   In the Sky World, there was a tree of life that was very special to the people of the sky world. They knew that it grew at the entrance to the world below and forbade anyone to tamper with the tree. One woman who was soon to give birth was curious about the tree and convinced her brother to uproot the tree.   The woman peered from the edge into the hole and suddenly fell off the edge. As she was falling she grasped at the edge and clutched in her hand some of the earth from the sky world.As she fell the birds of the world below were disturbed and alerted to her distress. The birds responded and gathered a great many of their kind to break her fall and cradle her to the back of a great sea turtle. The creatures of the water believed that she needed to land to live on. So they set about to collect some for her.   They dove to the great depths of

Product and Marketing Sample

Product and Marketing Sample   by: Yvonne A. Company Name: Cordillera Tours: Yes U Can Rationale: We named our company Cordillera Tours: Yes U Can because our product is situated in the beautiful mountains of Cordillera and its cost is adjustable, everyone can afford it. Mission: Our primary role is to provide travelers with an experience they can’t find elsewhere. To offer our customers quality tours by taking detailed care in selecting destinations, accommodations, travel guides to ensure our tour packages offer well-planned and well-balanced itineraries to meet and enhance our client's expectations with the most reasonable price. Vision: Cordillera Tours: Yes U Can seek to enhance the corporate management tools to improve the services while reducing your travel cost and to be one of the leading corporate travel management agencies in the Philippines and in the region. (1)    Market (2)    Segments (3)    Basis of Segmentation (4)  

ENUMA ELISH (Literature of Mesopotamia)

CHARACTERS: ·        Apsu - begetter of the great gods; God of freshwater/ male fertility ·        Tiamat - wife of Apsu; Goddess of the sea/chaos ·        Lahmu and Lahamu - first of the gods ·         Anshar and Kishar - children of Tiamat; boundaries between earth and sky (horizon) ·         Anu - son of Anshar and Kishar; God of the sky; Father of all the gods that came down to live on earth; God of the city of Uruk ·    Ea- son of Anu; marries Damkina: father of Marduk; God of the waters; Lord of Incantations; Councilor of man; Instructor of Crafts; Writing, Building; kills Apsu and Mummu ·        Marduk - god of the Light of the sun; God of lightning in storm and rain; God of the City of Babylon; Made high kings of the gods ·         Kingu - second husband of Tiamat ·         Damkina - wife of Ea and mother of Marduk. ·          Sin - God of the moon and father of Shamash ·         Shamash - God of the son PLOT/ CREATION STORY:             In the begi


  Interview about Leadership by: Yvonne A.               Last November 21, 2016, the group had the chance to interview one of the head engineers of Benguet Corporation, namely Eng. Rex Balbalin who has been in the operation for six years. During the interview session, the group asked the following questions: What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader? How can a leader fail? What is your greatest strength? What would be your greatest weakness? How do you get others to accept your ideas? How often do you feel it’s necessary to meet with your team? What is your advice to us, students?             According Eng. Balbalin the most important value that he has is his integrity. He demonstrates honesty and trust in all of his actions to establish credibility as a leader. He also mentioned that a leader fails when they can’t get their team on board with the goals of the organization. Factors outside of a leader's control may also lead to failures such as available re

Total Quality Management System

  Interview about Quality Management System  By: Yvonne A.             Last November 19, 2016, the group interviewed Mr. Roland F. Malafu, the Quality Assurance Head of the University of the Cordilleras, who happened to be in the service for almost 25 years. During the interview, the group asked the following questions: What is Quality to you? What are the benefits of a Quality Management System? How did quality affect your life? Do you have any previous experiences as a Quality Control Manager? What is the most critical defect you found in your recent projects? and What is your advice to the future quality practitioners and to the students?             Mr. Roland Malafu defined quality as the customer’s satisfaction with a particular product or to a particular service, the degree of excellence, and whether it fits the purpose for which that product or service has been cited. He also mentioned the benefits of Quality Management System by defining first the term Quality Management

The UCHTM Enthusiast Skills Competition 2016

  THE UC HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT ENTHUSIAST SKILLS COMPETITION 2016 REFLECTION By:Yvonne A. “Experience is the best teacher” one of the most popular quotations that most people say whenever they are in a certain activity or situation, indeed I agree with it, we can’t say that things are way too difficult nor easy if we did not experience it, we can’t even tell to ourselves that we can’t do such thing if we never tried to do so. Last July 18-22, 2016 UC CHTM students were able to present their different talents and skills that are composed of different elements. Though there are lots of participants who were not able to come during the scheduled competition of their chosen event because of different reasons the competition was still pushed through. With the efforts of every participant, they were able to come up with different outputs that are too creative and unique. Behind the scenes are also individuals from events class trying to work hand and hand to come up with a